
Aspiring Writer Interview: Melanie Chaston Fowler

With this series, tentatively titled "AWI" (Aspiring Writer Interviews, clever I know), I hope to bring out some wonderful writers and get the word out about the great scene we have here in Utah. If even one person is inspired by it to begin their own writing endeavors, it will be well worth it. This is the first of (hopefully) many interviews I will be doing each week. 

Melanie Chaston Fowler
I thought I'd start off with someone I know: fellow aspiring writer, Melanie Chaston Fowler. We actually attended the same high school and performed in the same (awesome) choir. Several years after graduating I discovered that she too wanted to be a writer, and already had a few years under her belt. Melanie began writing in earnest in 2007, though she wrote a book in high school that was read each week by a friend as it progressed. She is 24 years old and married with two children, "the most beautiful daughter, and the toughest, sweetest little boy." She lives in Northern Utah, and loves it.

I had a chance to ask Melanie some questions yesterday, and I hope you enjoy hearing about what she has been up to.

Tell us what writing project you're currently working on?
Daughters of Etheria

How long have you been working on it?
Since 2007

Can you tell us a little about it?
It is a childhood game that my sisters and I used to play when we were young. It is about four girls who are the four seasons, and my book is about how the four seasons/girls, came to be. 

What are your goals for it?
I would like to traditionally publish but I'm open to other ideas if things don't work out.

Have you sent out any queries? How many have you gotten responses to?
None yet, but I know I'm getting closer because I just downloaded Elana Johnson's *FREE* e-book called From the Query to the Call.

What/who is your favorite book or author?
It changes so frequently, in middle school, my first love of books were Dealing With Dragons by Patrica C. Wrede, and Beauty by Robin McKinley. But now I love anything fantasy, and mostly YA (young adult) but I have a growing love for MG (middle grade), especially since another story of mine is going to be MG.

What has been the hardest part of writing Daughters of Etheria?
For my current novel, figuring out the point of view. And writing in general, learning how to balance it all, life, writing, and more life.

What has been the best or most rewarding aspect of writing?
Probably having author friends that have succeeded in getting their books published. It's simply amazing.

Do you have any sage advice for new writers?
New authors; don't be afraid to call yourself a writer. Also start a blog, create a platform. Learn from others, and go to a conference. Get a crit. partner. And lastly, it doesn't all have to happen at once. Take your time, but keep moving forward. Don't ever give up. If you have a story that you want to tell, keep working on it until it is perfect, and then when you think it's perfect. Work on it again. Just keep going.

Thanks Melanie.

Melanie runs her own blog Adventure Writes, and is quite active in the writing scene. I highly recommend you check her out, and get involved with some of the awesome stuff she has going on.


  1. I really like the idea of using your childhood imagination for writing YA books! That sort of opens up a lot of doors in the brain.

  2. Writing MG is the best! And I agree-- one of the hardest things is finding a way to balance writing with all the rest of your life!

  3. This is so cool Mel. I love the idea behind your book. Totally awesome idea! Great interview Trevor! Glad I found your blog :)

  4. Watching others succeed is amazing - I know you will as well, Melanie!

  5. What a great interview! Trevor, it's nice to meet you! I found you through Mel's blog, but I see you have my blog on your list ~ THANK YOU!

    I thought I knew Melanie pretty well, but I learned a thing or two from this interview. Thanks! And *high fives*!

  6. Thanks everyone for your interest in Melanie's story! Please send me suggestions of people to interview, along with any questions you would like to see answered!

  7. The point-of-view comment really catches me because I think pov is one of my most difficult challenges. I go through an internal monologue on every story..."Okay first person...third person... past tense...present tense?" Omniscient...not omniscient... /sigh. Yup yup...I hear you.

    Thank you for the great questions and the corresponding answers. Always good to connect with the plethora of talent found within Utah.

  8. Good to meet you, Trevor, and it's awesome that you interviewed Mel. She's super. :)

  9. Hi Trevor! New follower her. You're blog looks great. Can't wait to hear more from you.

  10. Anonymous11:22 AM

    This was so much fun! Thanks Trevor!

  11. No problem Melanie. Sometime in the distant future I'd like to redo your interview with some follow up questions and a more in-depth kind of take. Since this was my first one I can't help but think of how I could have done better haha.

  12. Can you post a picture of each interviewee in their interview? It's fun to see what an author looks like.

  13. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Yeah it would be good to see if they have that crazy look in their eye yet.... you know, the writers twitch.

    I'm just kidding. But yeah, it's a great idea :)

  14. New follower here! Great interview! And it was good getting to know a little more about you, Melanie. :)

  15. I definitely think the key is to never give up!

  16. Great interview! It's so true how scary it can sometimes be just saying you're a writer, but it's great advice to break through that fear!
